Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy
• Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc. ships either by courier
(ground) or common carrier. We can expedite shipping on
request, and will charge you the difference.
• All orders are shipped F.O.B. Promino Brands unless
otherwise stated.
• Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc.’s minimum order is one
master case (6) for wholesalers/distributors. Orders and backorders totalling over $150.00
are shipped freight free.
• Remote locations (those which our couriers define as ‘beyond
points’) such as Yukon and Nunavut will be charged a
freight surcharge calculated as actual freight cost over and
above 5% of the invoice value.
• A fuel surcharge may be added to your invoice depending
on the fuel surcharge charged by the couriers. Advance
written notice will be given to current customers if a fuel
surcharge is to be applied.
• Damage claims must be made within 5 days of receipt of
good. All damage claims must be made to the cartage
company; no credit can be given unless this procedure is